Shockwave therapy is the application of acoustic shock waves on the body or affected parts. This method of physiotherapy is based on activating the body’s recovery resources and stimulating the recovery processes.
Shockwave therapy is performed at “Vita Longa” medical center with modern equipment DORNIER ARIES (Germany). It has an “intelligent” focusing system, which, using different depths of wave penetration, allows a targeted impact on the affected area.
Shockwave therapy with DORNIER ARIES device, painless and non-invasive. It is quite effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The positive result is observed after the first course of treatment.
Shockwave therapy provides:
◆ Decreased pain
◆ Improving blood circulation in the affected area mobility regulation
◆ Absorption of inflammatory lesions, calcifications, fibrous tissues, reduction in size
◆ Strengthening ligaments, joint capsules, tendons, preventing injuries
◆ Improving the nutrition of the area due to the improvement of blood circulation
◆ Erectile dysfunction
◆ Heel spur
◆ Inflammation of the ankle joint (Achilles)
◆ Inflammation of the shoulder (shoulder periarthritis)
◆ Osteoarthritis of the joints of the upper and lower extremities
◆ Muscle pain (myofascial pain syndrome)
◆ Pain in the tendons
◆ Spinal osteochondrosis, hernia
◆ Radiculitis
◆ Fractures, sports injuries
◆ Diabetic foot
◆ Flat feet
◆ Blood clotting problems
◆ Acute purulent inflammation
◆ Presence of pacemaker
◆ Pregnancy
◆ Malignant neoplasms