The intervention is the injection of a substance containing “type A botulinum toxin” into the skin. It helps to correct mimic wrinkles, maintaining the natural movement of the face and preventing their further occurrence.
◆ Wrinkle correction / forehead, around the eyes, puppet line, jaw, interstitial area, neck area /
◆ Gummy smile
◆ Facial asymmetry / lowered eyebrows, etc. /
◆ Treatment of hyperhidrosis / sweating /
Not recommended:
◆ Lie down for 4 hours after the procedure
◆ Visit the sauna for 7-10 days, exercise, take a hot shower.
◆ Individual intolerance to the components of the material,
◆ Blood system diseases, bleeding, taking anticoagulants,
◆ Presence of inflammatory process at the injection site (acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes, etc.)
◆ Muscle weakness
◆ Somatic diseases in the period of exacerbation,
◆ Pregnancy and breastfeeding
◆ Malignant neoplasms.
The result is observed within 2 weeks, lasts 3-6 months, no recovery process is required, the patient can immediately return to daily life.
“Vita Longa” medical center offers free consultation of a cosmetologist. Prior to the intervention, the patient is given an informed agreement, which describes the information about the intervention, the substance to be injected.